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Image by Akira Hojo

Re-Opening FLC

COVID Guidelines

I was glad when they said to me,

Let us go to the house of the LORD.

And now here we are…

Psalms 122:1-2 NLT

Family Life Church has always had high standards of safety and will continue to do so. In order to safely re-open our church after being closed due to Covid-19, we will immediately implement the following protocols and safety measures. 

COVID-19 Guidelines 

1. ) All touch points, armrests, countertops, door handles, light switches, etc. will be sanitized with a CDC approved disinfectant before each service.
2.) If you feel sick please stay home and join us online.
3.) If your child has had a fever in the last 24 hours, please keep them home and join us online.
4.) Hand sanitizer will be provided as we enter the building.
5.) Anyone serving on any team will have their temperature taken with an infrared thermometer before the service. You will be asked to go home if your temperature is above 98.9.
6.) Face masks will be worn by the ministry team while in the building. If you forget your mask, FLC will provide one for you.
7.) For your safety and the safety of others, all attendees are required to wear masks while in the building and get their temperature taken before coming in. 
8.) Anyone serving on a ministry team will wash their hands before and after each service.
9.) We will greet one another with a friendly wave, please no hugs or handshakes.
10.) We will pray for people without laying hands on them or holding hands.
11.) We will keep the lobby and inside doors propped open so we don’t have to touch the handles, and to provide extra ventilation.
12.) We will practice six feet of social distancing as we enter and leave the auditorium.
13.) We will practice social distancing in the lobby, please no congregating.
14.) For now, no refreshments, food or bottled water will be served. We apologize for the inconvenience!
15.) Drinking fountains are closed.
16.) If you bring your own coffee or water, please be sure to take it with you when you leave.
17.) Families should sit together and there will be two empty seats between groups.
18.) We will stagger the seating so no one is seated directly behind someone else. There will be at least two empty seats between groups, or individuals sitting alone.
19.) Once you are in your seat, you are encouraged to remain there in order to minimize contact
with others.
20.) Parents have the option to keep their children with them or check them in.
21.) All children’s classes will keep the kids at least six feet apart at all times.
22.) All children’s toys, tables, chairs, counters, etc. will be disinfected before and after each service.
23.) Snacks or food will not be served to the children, however parents may send these items with their children.

24.) Parents, please practice social distancing when picking up your children.
25.) As it would be very difficult to sing or teach a message while wearing a mask, the singers, musicians, and speakers may remove their masks while playing or teaching, and should remain at least 10 feet from the audience.
26.) For the time being, communion will not be served.
27.) Instead of passing offering baskets, an usher will provide a receptacle at each door as we exit.
28.) Offering envelopes and any handouts will be provided on a table in the lobby.
29.) Services will be dismissed in an orderly manner, beginning with the back rows.
30.) We will be joyful and thankful that we are open again!!

When they said, “Let’s go to the house of God,” my heart leaped for joy. And now we’re here...

Psalm 122:1-2 MSG

Along with re-opening our in-person services we are also resuming kids church. We have created a detailed outline for parents regarding our new classroom guidelines. To see these guidelines click on the button below. 




You can still check our LifeKids page every week for a new lesson!

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