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Family Life Church
What Kind Of A Church Do We Want To Be?
At Family Life Church, we want to be a Biblically Functioning Community. We want to be a Purpose Driven Church. We are on a mission of “Bringing people who are away from God into a living relationship with Jesus and growing believers into full maturity in Him.” We are purposefully “Creating an atmosphere where the lost can be loved and saved, and the saved can love and serve.” We want to “Reach the Lost. Grow Believers.”
A growing church where the unchurched come to Jesus.​
​People who are away from God feel wanted and welcome.
Hurting people are loved and restored.
People are well fed with the Word of God.
Jeremiah 23:4 NKJV “I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking,” says the LORD.
The Word of God is taught to adults and children. Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”
- Believers discover God’s purpose for living.
- Isaiah 49:1 NIV “Before I was born the Lord called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name.”
- God has a plan and purpose for every one of us.
- ​Believers are equipped to serve with their gifts.
- Romans 12:6 NLT “In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.”
- It’s not about me. I am gifted for the benefit of others.
- Leaders are raised up.​
- Titus 1:5 MSG “Appoint leaders in every town according to my instructions.”
- We are a church that is called to raise up leaders.
- Children and Youth are valued and taught to love and trust Jesus.
- ​Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
- We have a heart for children and youth.
World missions are supported.
​Mark 16:15 NLT “And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
We reach out beyond the four walls of the church.
The community is better off because we are here.
​Acts 5:16 NLT “Crowds came from the villages around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those possessed by evil spirits, and they were all healed.”
We are bringing a living Jesus to a lost and dying world.
“Bringing people who are away
from God into a living relationship with Jesus and growing believers into full maturity in Him.”
What Is The Value Of Belonging To Family Life Church?
I am part of something bigger than myself.​
It’s not about me.
People will give money to a project, but they’ll give their lives for a cause.
I belong to a community where I receive continual unconditional love.
Sadly, many people do not receive unconditional love in their homes or relationships. At
Family Life, they will receive the God-kind of love.
- I am being challenged to stretch and grow.
- Even eagles need a push.
- I am taught to use my gifts to serve others.
- Serving others is the highest level of living.
- When facing tough times, I have the love and support of a biblically functioning
community, a church family.​- We are better together. We all are born with a “longing for belonging.”
- Two are better than one.
What Are The Steps To Becoming Part Of Family Life Church?
Start attending Family Life Church.
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him into your heart. Believing in Jesus makes us a part of the overall church, which is the Body of Christ.
- Get connected by attending our class, “Running With Purpose.” Join a ministry team and discover the joy of serving others. Connect with others in a Life Group. Support your church with tithes and offerings. Support your church with prayer. Be intentional about spiritual growth. Become the person God created you to be. Always be growing.